Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is the site associated with the publishers of the book?
  • Is there a copyright on the book?
  • Why do most of the transliterations not follow common standards (e.g. 'Allaah')?
  • Why do some of the du'as contain spelling / grammar mistakes?
  • How to report errors on this site

  • Is the site associated with the publishers of the book?

    No. The site is also not associated with any national / international organizations. Alhamdulillah, the site has been designed and developed by a group of volunteers.

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    Is there a copyright on the book?

    No there is not.  Hence, all material listed on this site is free of any copyright.

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    Why do most of the transliterations not follow common standards (e.g. 'Allaah')?

    The material on the site is what has been published in the book. Insha'Allah there won't be too much confusion as the transliterations in the book are very similar to the common standards.

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    Why do some of the du'as contain spelling / grammar mistakes?

    The only source of information for the site was a hard-copy of the book. It is quite possible that certain spelling and/or grammar mistakes were introduced in the process of building the site. Please report the error(s) to us. (We need your help!)

    Also please keep in mind that there are spelling/grammar errors in the book itself. Any errors originating from the book will be forwarded to the publisher.

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    How to report errors on the site

    Send an email to Please include in your email the error you've encountered as well as the full and complete URL (http://....) of the page in which you've found the error.

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