Fortification of the Muslim Through Remembrance and Supplication from the Quran and Sunnah bismillah

Supplications related to the Aadhaan (the call to prayer)

In Arabic Dua in Arabic
In English ‘One repeats just as the muadhdhin (one who calls to prayer) says, except when the says:
(i) ‘come to prayer, come to success’
instead one should say:
(ii) ‘There is no might nor power except with Allaah.’

In Arabic Dua in Arabic
In English Immediately following the declaration of faith called by the muadhdhin, one says:
‘And I too bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except Allaah, alone, without partner, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. I am pleased with Allaah as a Lord, and Muhammad as a Messenger and Islaam as a religion.’

In Arabic Dua in Arabic
In English One should then send prayers on the Prophet (S) after answering the call of the muadhdhin:
‘O Allaah, Owner of this perfect call and Owner of this prayer to be performed, bestow upon Muhammad al-waseelah and al-fadeelah and send him upon a praised platform which You have promised him. Verily, You never fail in Your promise.’
One should also supplicate for himself during the time between the aadhaan and the iqaamah as supplication at such time is not rejected.


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13. Upon entering the mosque

14. Upon leaving the mosque

15. Supplications related to the Aadhaan (the call to prayer)

16. Supplication at the start of the prayer (after takbeer)

17. While bowing in prayer (rukuu')

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